
for a fulfilled sex life


We show you how you can enrichen and enhance your sex life and how to catapult yourself into a new dimension of physical union.

The Result:
You will get closer to each other than ever before – Set your soul on fire!

The Sex Academy – the novel

What happens when two people share their views on sex? What if one of them has a cheeky idea the other finds far from revolutionary, but rather vulgar? Find out through Sarah and Robert’s in-depth conversation – two people with completely different views, like two magnets that repel one another only to be drawn together that much stronger. Living, loving and making love – full of contrasts and, ultimately, parables, the novel, The Sex Academy, is rich with stories about peoples’ sexuality and presents views you may or may not share. Allow yourself to be carried off into a world of fantasy and a realm for the senses – without any prejudices, just naked and free!

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To Do Today – the community

The highest human feeling unfolds where truth and fantasy meet. We call it love! Without love, making love would simply be sex – without ecstasy, without unconditional happiness, without union, without feeling one with our connection to our loved one. Open yourself up to inspiration, let your imagination run free and dive into the depths of your lust and emotions every day! Hear, see, smell, taste, feel everything love and sex can be when you give yourself freely and with passion. Climb the summit of your love and desire and let us participate – without judgment and with full trust in you!

The Sex Academy

Yes, the thought of sex alone gets us in the mood for more. Your own lust is unique to you…and if you’re honest with yourself, there are moments in which the “system of sex” errs, and you can’t reach ecstasy because something is missing – whether you’re flying solo or are with your partner. And, sometimes, there’s too much of the good stuff that causes your sex system to overwhelm and overheat, causing you too much distraction. This calls for urgent action – both verbally and physically. Let us explore the source of your sexual integrity, lust and sex life and carefully examine your diverse potential. Allow us to accompany you on a journey of endless possibilities leading your body and soul into complete ecstasy – on your own or with your partner.


Free. Exciting. Cocky.


To Do Today








The Sex Academy

About The Sex Academy...